Visitor Quotes

Some quotes from Festival goers

“…wearing a Brecon Jazz T shirt in New York and was accosted by a man in a record store. He said, “Brecon, that’s in Wales …. when asked have you been to the Festival he replied “Man, I played there.” He was a member of the Illinois JacqueT Big Band!”

“As tourists from Germany …. we think it is wonderful that you bring this music to a more rural area. In Germany all the jazz festivals concentrate on the very big towns.”

“This is our first year here and so far it has exceeded expectations, so we definitely plan to return.”

“I have been coming from London for about 30 years attracted by good quality music and wonderful national park scenery.”

“One of a diminishing number of jazz festivals where classical jazz can be heard.”

“I do not attend any other jazz festivals but I always look forward to traveling to Brecon (from 150 miles away) for a relaxing weekend full of great music.

“Brecon Jazz is a global trademark in the jazz world. Whenever I go throughout Europe and the U.S. everyone knows about the reputation of Brecon Jazz. It is a Welsh brand that can be exploited much more.”

“Quite simply, Brecon means Jazz and Jazz means Brecon.”